C-Phycocyanin, 1 mg(MB-001)

Description: c-Phycocyanin is a dark blue protein isolated from spirulina that absorbs and transmits light energy. It has a series of biological activities including anti-tumor, anti-cancer cell, antioxidant, and scavenging free radicals. In addition, it can be used as natural food coloring, health food, and fluorescent agent.
Specification: Phycocyanin
Size: 1 mg
Stock: In-stock
Storage: 2°C to 8°C
Application: C-phycocyanin is mainly used as a natural food pigment in food colorants and cosmetics additives. Moreover, its blue and fluorescent properties can be used as a photodynamic research reagent in biology and cytology.
Concentration: ≥10.0 mg/mL (UV)
Fluorescence: λex 609 nm; λem 643 nm in 0.1 M phosphate pH 7.2
Suitability: Gel electrophoresis
Packaging Type: Bottomless glass bottle

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