Radicicol, 50 mg(MNP-013)

Radicicol, 50 mg
Description: Radicicol is a class of natural compounds extracted from Penicillium meleagrinum. As an inhibitor of ATPase/kinase, it inhibits protein tyrosine kinase and heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90). It has a variety of biological activities, including anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antibacterial and other effects.
Specification: MNPs Derived from Marine Microorganism
Synonyms: Monorden
CAS Number: 12772-57-5
Purity: 99.63%
Size: 50 mg
Stock: In-stock
Molecular Weight: 364.78
Molecular Formula: C18H17ClO6
Form: Solid
Color: White to off-white
Structure Classification: Antibiotics
Source: Penicillium meleagrinum
Shipping Condition: Room temperature
Storage: Powder, -20°C to 4°C; In solvent, -80°C to -20°C
Solvent: DMSO, 100 mg/mL (274.14 mM)
SMILES: OC1=C2C(CC(/C=C/C=C\[C@@H](O3)[C@H]3C[C@@H](C)OC2=O)=O)=C(Cl)C(O)=C1

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